Tart, exceptional in taste, and known for their medicinal qualities, partridgeberries have been a staple of northern peoples for centuries. An excellent topping for ice cream, pancakes and crepes or use as a cooking sauce.
Tart, exceptional in taste, and known for their medicinal qualities, partridgeberries have been a staple of northern peoples for centuries. An excellent topping for ice cream, pancakes and crepes or use as a cooking sauce. Partridgeberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea). Internationally known as the lingonberry this relative of the cranberry family is a low mat forming evergreen shrub with tiny rounded leaves. These berries grow in the dry, acidic soils of Newfoundland and Labrador's barrens and coastal headlands. Their flowers have a pinkish hue in bud then turn white as they bloom in mid-June to mid-July. The flower ovaries gives rise to a single dark red berry ripening through September's frost.
Ingredients: sugar, water, partridgeberries
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